A Story About an Otaku Saving Jeanne d’Arc (and Other Stories) by Maki

So, original Twitter comics seem to be a thing in 2021. I guess mangaka got bored at home on lockdown as well?

I got turned on to a series of mini one-shots by a Twitter mangaka known as Inkoshimi/Maki. Baka-updates tell me these were “published” by Twitter, but I scrolled through a lot of inkoshimi’s Twitter feed and never found the originals. They may be there, somewhere? (I did find the other project that Maki is associated with, The Mutant Wants to Kiss His Human Girlfriend., which I have not read, though it is being/was serialized in Shounen Jump+)

However, the shorts are weirdly fun. The ones I found include: “A Story About an Otaku Saving Jeanne d’Arc“, “

However, the shorts are weirdly fun. The ones I found include: “A Story About an Otaku Saving Jeanne d’Arc,” “A Story About a Kitsune Summoning a Devil for Marriage,” and “A romantic comedy about a brother and sister who discover that they are not blood related.

My favorite might be the romantic comedy, since it is one page and is an entirely visual joke. If you click-through, you will wonder, as I did, how these two EVER thought they WERE blood related, given that one of them is a demon. But, you know? How many manga are there where this sort of thing does exist??

So, it made me laugh.

If you are willing to hunt around, there are quite a few others. There are several collected at this site: https://hachirumi.com/read/manga/maki-s-oneshot-collection/ (I did, at least, see the post of one of these lion vlogger ones on Maki’s Twitter feed–so it is probably correct to attribute all of these to the same person.)

At any rate, not much to spoil here, since most of them are not longer than a couple of pages at most. Feel free to click-through, if you are so inclined. The jokes aren’t complicated, but still very entertaining.
